Monday, October 10, 2016

TOP flower exporting countries


A tradition to present flowers exists probably in every corner of our planet. People used to present flowers on first dates, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries. No matter whether the event is sad or happy, it usually comes along with colorful bouquets. It roots so deeply in people's habits that usually, we don't think where these flowers come from. In fact, most of the flowers stored in bulks and shops were grown in Holland, Italy, Colombia, Ecuador or other popular floral spots. During the last century flower's growing and export has turned into a whole industry.

The start of the floricultural industry

The question is where it all started. There are a few theories about the start of the floricultural industry. The most famous theory states that it all began in The Netherlands in the 17th century. It seems logical from the modern perspective as Holland is known for its flowers. Yet another theory claims that Holland's role is overvalued and the whole thing started to roll out in the United Kingdom, somewhere in the late 19th century. During that time flowers became a popular gift to present and a trendy décor element. Growers quickly understood the growing popularity of their products, the floricultural industry began to develop in really big steps. It became possible to purchase flowers all over the year, not only during its blooming period. That's where the flowers export start from. Today more than millions of flowers are exported every week from abroad.

Largest Players in Flower Exports

Flowers come to the stores from all over the world, but Holland has remained the main world's floricultural hub for the last decades. It's not only because of greenhouses that are spread among the country but also because it has developed as the biggest logistic hub for floricultural products. Holland is not the only flowers' exporter in the world. Countries like Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya, and Ethiopia have grown their export significantly and keep following this path. Because of closeness to the equator, favorable climate conditions, and low labor cost, it turns to be cheaper to grow flowers there and export them to the destination spot. These countries started with exporting flowers since mid 90's and have increased the export amount with big numbers every year. Other export countries need to compete with these low-cost flowers or differentiate themselves to keep the industry alive. Every year new farms are opened in Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya, and Ethiopia by growers and export companies from foreign countries. By doing this, these companies can grow their own flowers under favorable conditions and export them directly to their clients, so they can compete with the local upcoming flower exporters. Other important flower export companies are Belgium, Malaysia, Italy, Germany, and Israel.

Flower days

Flowers are exported in huge amounts every day. But there are some special Big Dates in the calendar when export companies need to overtime to make sure that consumers all around the world will be able to buy tulips, roses, chrysanthemums, gerberas or other beautiful flowers. Some of the most important days for flower exporters are Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Women's Day. In the run-up to these days, people buy flowers for their beloved ones.

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